Remote Sensing 卷:12
Hyperspectral Image Classification with Feature-Oriented Adversarial Active Learning
Peng Ren1  Guangxing Wang1 
[1] College of Oceanography and Space Informatics, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China;
关键词: hyperspectral image classification;    active learning;    generative adversarial networks;   
DOI  :  10.3390/rs12233879
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Deep learning classifiers exhibit remarkable performance for hyperspectral image classification given sufficient labeled samples but show deficiency in the situation of learning with limited labeled samples. Active learning endows deep learning classifiers with the ability to alleviate this deficiency. However, existing active deep learning methods tend to underestimate the feature variability of hyperspectral images when querying informative unlabeled samples subject to certain acquisition heuristics. A major reason for this bias is that the acquisition heuristics are normally derived based on the output of a deep learning classifier, in which representational power is bounded by the number of labeled training samples at hand. To address this limitation, we developed a feature-oriented adversarial active learning (FAAL) strategy, which exploits the high-level features from one intermediate layer of a deep learning classifier for establishing an acquisition heuristic based on a generative adversarial network (GAN). Specifically, we developed a feature generator for generating fake high-level features and a feature discriminator for discriminating between the real high-level features and the fake ones. Trained with both the real and the fake high-level features, the feature discriminator comprehensively captures the feature variability of hyperspectral images and yields a powerful and generalized discriminative capability. We leverage the well-trained feature discriminator as the acquisition heuristic to measure the informativeness of unlabeled samples. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of both (i) the full FAAL framework and (ii) the adversarially learned acquisition heuristic, for the task of classifying hyperspectral images with limited labeled samples.

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