Вісник НЮУ імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія 卷:2
关键词: інновація;    інноваційний розвиток;    інноваційне суспільство;    інно- ваційна система, вища освіта;    якість вищої освіти;    якість потенціалу вищої освіти;    якість процесу вищої освіти;    якість результату вищої освіти;    забезпечення якості вищої освіти;   
DOI  :  10.21564/2075-7190.33.109722
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article discusses the features of the innovative type of social development and reveals the essence of an innovative society. The conditions of its formation. Particular attention is given to the quality of higher education. We study the system of higher educa- tion quality: quality of higher education building, the quality of the process of higher edu- cation and quality results of higher education. Different approaches to ensure the quality of higher education as a prerequisite for becoming an innovative society in Ukraine.Critical to the innovative development of higher education Ukraine should solve the problem of quality assurance. Its review should be carried out in the context of the Bologna Process, to which Ukraine was in 2005. Being a member of the Bologna process, Ukraine has committed to work to bring the quality of national education in line with Europeanмstandards and harmonization of legal and regulatory changes in higher education accord- ing to the standards and recommendations of the European higher education.The real change in the quality assurance of higher education institutions of higher education must take place with the implementation of the Law «On higher education», according to which the defined quality assurance system of higher education, which consists of: 1) system of universities as educational activities and quality of higher education (sys- tem of internal quality assurance); 2) a system of external quality assurance of higher education institutions and quality assurance; 3) quality assurance system of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in higher education institutions and independent assessment and quality assurance. Effective tool to ensure the quality of higher education in Ukraine serve European and national qualifications framework, including Qualifications Frame- work European Higher Education Area (2005), the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (2003), the National Qualifications Framework (2011) and the imple- mentation of internal and external quality assurance in accordance with the standards and guidelines for quality Assurance in the European higher education area. Thus, innovative society marks a transition from a society based on industrial technologies to society, the basic content of which is innovation. It connects humanity with innovations its future fate, seeing them as the main source of social needs and the most important means of solving practical and spiritual problems. One of the most important conditions for innovative development of Ukrainian society is quality assurance, to ensure which requires imple- mentation of competency approach to the analysis of the quality of higher education, the implementation of complex tools of internal and external quality assurance in accordance with the standards and recommendations of the European Higher Education as a basis for the integration of the national system of quality assurance in the European system of as- sessment of learning outcomes of higher education applicants.

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