Red U 卷:13
The importance of reflective learning during the Practicum: revisiting the literature
Gustavo González Calvo1  José J. Barba1  Henar Rodríguez Navarro1 
[1] Universidad de Valladolid;
关键词: educación superior;    formación del profesorado;    práctica reflexiva;    enseñanza;    modelos de formación inicial;    prácticum;   
DOI  :  10.4995/redu.2015.5424
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The knowledge acquired by the future teachers both through their socialization as students and through the syllabus of the degree taken by them, come into play  during  traineeship.  This  period means their first approach to schools, therefore essential to develop their professional  skills.  This  article  puts forward the main characteristics of reflective practice and reflective training models for the initial training of teachers as capable of enhancing the professional development of future teachers, as vehicles capable of awakening persona experiences underwent as a student, ethical code of conduct, interest to raise proper interpersonal abilities and interest towards continuous training throughout their professional career, among others. It is based on the premise that the initial training must aim at the comprehension of the classroom reality, working for the improvement of the learning/teaching processes, something which unavoidably requires the analysis, examination, observation and reflection on what the teacher does, and how he does it. In this way, we may be able to train professional teachers capable of heightening their pedagogical practice by continuously evaluating and revising it,  combining  open,  responsible  and enthusiastic attitudes towards the profession. Thus, we would be training competent professionals who may offer a quality education.

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