Materials Research 卷:24
Microstrip Patch Antenna with BiNbO4(V2O5) Substrate and Copper Periodic Structures
关键词: Bismuth Niobate Ceramic;    5G technology;    Microstrip Antenna;   
DOI  :  10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2020-0487
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The use of high permittivity materials on substrates of a microstrip antenna was developed with Bismuth Niobate ceramic doped with vanadium Oxide (BiNbO4 (V2O5)) and compared with an antenna of silicon dioxide substrate (SiO2) using Ansys software HFSS and CST Studio. The ceramic antenna has -20 dB at 3.5 GHz and the silicon dioxide antenna -24.7 dB of reflection coefficient. The bandwidth values are 80 MHz for the bismuth ceramic antenna and 100 MHz for the silica antenna. The results demonstrate that the proposed BiNbO4 antenna has great advantage compared to those mentioned in terms of volume reduction, presenting results similar to those antennas with higher volume. In addition, we use copper periodic structures (EBG) in order to increase the gain in associated with the use of BiNbO4 with addition of V2O5 on the antenna substrate leading to a reduction in the total volume. Therefore, the proposed Bismuth Niobate antenna proves to be an excellent alternative for 5G technology and microwave S band (2-4 GHz) devices, highlighting the mentioned advantages.

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