Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
Sexuality and Questions of Gender in Adolescence: Contributions of Psychoanalysis
关键词: psychoanalysis;    adolescence;    gender;    sexuation;    clinical cases;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0102.3772e35434
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The institutional clinical practice with adolescents in a university hospital in the present times raises questions about both gender and sexuation. Such questions are not exclusively at the level of practice, but also of theory, requiring it's refinement. We introduce it in the context of psychoanalysis. Methodologically, we left the clinic to question the theory, allowing it to be enriched, as Freud wanted, from the beginning, when he observed that in psychoanalysis there is no theory without clinic. Although we are based on psychoanalytic authors, we do not fail to imply references in authors of the connection fields of psychoanalysis, which often bring fundamental elements to the intended refinement. We conclude by presenting a case to exemplify the questions that led us to the research.

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