Ecological Indicators | 卷:121 |
Fungal assemblages in predictive stream bioassessment: A cross-taxon comparison along multiple stressor gradients | |
Kaisa Lehosmaa1  Jarno Turunen2  Heikki Mykrä2  Timo Muotka2  Maria Rajakallio2  Hannu Marttila3  Jukka Aroviita3  Jussi Jyväsjärvi3  Mikko Tolkkinen4  | |
[1] Corresponding author.; | |
[2] Finnish Environment Institute, Freshwater Centre, P.O. Box 413, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland; | |
[3] University of Oulu, Ecology and Genetics Research Unit, P.O. Box 3000, FI-90014, Finland; | |
[4] University of Oulu, Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Unit, P.O. Box 4300, FI-90014, Finland; | |
关键词: Aquatic fungi; Bioassessment; Diatoms; Leaf decomposition; Macroinvertebrates; Predictive modelling; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Degradation of freshwater ecosystems requires efficient tools for assessing the ecological status of freshwater biota and identifying potential cause(s) for their biological degradation. While diatoms and macroinvertebrates are widely used in stream bioassessment, the potential utility of microbial communities has not been fully harnessed. Using data from 113 Finnish streams, we assessed the performance of aquatic leaf-associated fungal decomposers, relative to benthic macroinvertebrates and diatoms, in modelling-based bioassessment. We built multi-taxon niche -type predictive models for fungal assemblages by using genus-based and sequence-based identification levels. We then compared the models’ precision and accuracy in the prediction of reference conditions (number of native taxa) to corresponding models for macroinvertebrates and diatoms. Genus-based fungal model nearly equalled the accuracy and precision of our best model (macroinvertebrates), whereas the sequence-based model was less accurate and tended to overestimate the number of taxa. However, when the models were applied to streams disturbed by anthropogenic stressors (nutrient enrichment, sedimentation and acidification), alone or in combination, the sequence-based fungal assemblages were more sensitive than other taxonomic groups, especially when multiple stressors were present. Microbial leaf decomposition rates were elevated in sediment-stressed streams whereas decomposition attributable to leaf-shredding macroinvertebrates was accelerated by nutrients and decelerated by sedimentation. Comparison of leaf decomposition results to model output suggested that leaf decomposition rates do not detect effectively the presence of multiple simultaneous disturbances. The rapid development of global microbial database may soon enable species-level identification of leaf-associated fungi, facilitating a more precise and accurate modelling of reference conditions in streams using fungal communities. This development, combined with the sensitivity of aquatic fungi in detecting the presence of multiple human disturbances, makes leaf-associated fungal assemblages an indispensable addition in a stream ecologist’s toolbox.
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