Sciences, Eaux & Territoires 卷:2021
Ecological corridors in spatial planning: lessons from over 10 years of contract-based experiences in the French Alps
COZANNET, Naïg1  QUÉTIER, Fabien1  BOYER, Eva1 
[1] Independent consultant who led the evaluation of the of the Savoyard "contrats corridors";
关键词: corridor écologique;    aménagement du territoire;    montagne;    retour d'expérience;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Ten years after the introduction of laws resulting from a national consultative process (Grenelle de l'Environnement) in which ecological connectivity was strongly promoted, what can we say about the creation of “corridors” as a new element in spatial planning? In a context of strong land pressure such as the French Alps valleys, where the financial stakes for landowners can be exacerbated, strong involvement and coordination of elected officials and stakeholders is essential. We analyze here a few experiences in Isère and Savoie to discover how this political will could be concretized and the lessons to be drawn in terms of approaches and tools.

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