Desenvolvimento em Questão 卷:9
Comitê de Bacia: Uma Configuração Social Emergente na Gestão Sustentável das Águas
关键词: emergence theory;    water management;    social setting;    collective behavior;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The search for sustainable solutions to water management requires the accommodation of several interests through collective negotiations. This study suggests that the Theory of Emergence and their underlying properties may help in understanding the social settings concerning these issues. Moreover, it supposed that the systemic properties of organization, order, complexity and self-organization can express the collective behavior of the agents. Was conducted a case study in the Santa Maria Committee (RS), where it was observed that this new social configuration set new standards of collective behavior in a region where the activity of agents was based on individualism. It was evident that the social complexity of that community was reproduced in the organizational structure of the committee bringing the several stakeholders in the water to relate in a space of negotiation and collective decisions where the main learning was the ability to live together in diversity.
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