Water 卷:7
Evaluation of an Empirical Reservoir Shape Function to Define Sediment Distributions in Small Reservoirs
Bogusław Michalec1 
[1] Department Water Engineering and Geotechnics, Agriculture University, Al. A. Mickiewicza 24/28, Cracow 30-059, Poland;
关键词: small reservoir;    silting rate;    silting forecast;    sediment distribution;   
DOI  :  10.3390/w7084409
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Understanding and defining the spatial distribution of sediment deposited in reservoirs is essential not only at the design stage but also during the operation. The majority of research concerns the distribution of sediment deposition in medium and large water reservoirs. Most empirical methods do not provide satisfactory results when applied to the determination of sediment deposition in small reservoirs. Small reservoir’s volumes do not exceed 5 × 106 m3 and their capacity-inflow ratio is less than 10%. Long-term silting measurements of three small reservoirs were used to evaluate the method described by Rahmanian and Banihashemi for predicting sediment distributions in small reservoirs. Rahmanian and Banihashemi stated that their model of distribution of sediment deposition in water reservoir works well for a long duration operation. In the presented study, the silting rate was used in order to determine the long duration operation. Silting rate is a quotient of volume of the sediment deposited in the reservoir and its original volume. It was stated that when the silting rate had reached 50%, the sediment deposition in the reservoir may be described by an empirical reservoir depth shape function (RDSF).

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