Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України
Ukrainian translation of medical manuscript of 17th century in Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine: historical and codicological research
关键词: the history of the ukrainian translation activities, ukrainian translated literature of the 17th century, translations into national languages of pseudo-albertus magnus “de secretis mulierum”, michael scotus “de secretis naturae”/”liber phisiognomiae”, ukrainian language of the 17th century, the history of the development of ukrainian medical terminology.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The goal of the research. The article aims to introduce to the scientific circulation the medical manuscript from the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine that is the Ukrainian translation of the Latin book. Using the historical, textological and linguistic analysis, to make the historical and codicological description of the manuscript. Methodology. The research uses historical-comparative approach that allows separating common and distinctive features of the texts of the original book and its translation. Also, the method of deduction is used as a way from linguistic features to the conclusions about the nature of translation in general. Scientific novelty. First the article introduces the medical manuscript from the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine to the scientific circulation. It is the Ukrainian translation of the Latin book by two authors: Pseudo-Albertus Magnus “De secretis mulierum” and Michael Scotus “De secretis naturae”/”Liber phisiognomiae” which were published as two parts of single book during several centuries that were very popular. The translator also carried out the creative text processing, placing its constituent parts according his understanding. This translation significantly different from the other known translations of the time. Analysis of the linguistic features of the text leads to two equal assumption: the book is translation at first from Latin into Polish and then into Ukraine or from Latin into Ukraine directly. A more definite conclusion requires detailed linguistic research.
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