Journal of Materials Research and Technology 卷:9
Fabrication and performance studies on explosively welded CuCrZr/316L bimetallic plate applied in extreme environments
Zijun Chen1  Zhaowu Shen2  Junfeng Xu3  Ming Yang3  Honghao Ma3 
[1]Corresponding author.
[2]|State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, PR China
[3]|CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials, Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China
关键词: Explosive welding;    Numerical simulation;    Fabrication;    Microstructure;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In order to obtain high-quality CuCrZr/316L clad plates prepared by explosive welding (EW), theoretical analysis and numerical simulation were introduced to optimize welding parameters. The bonding properties of the achieved joints were systematically studied through multiscale interface analyses, mechanical performance tests, and evaluation of sealing properties. It was concluded that the theoretical analysis in collaboration with numerical calculations is an effective way to design parameters, because its predicted result was in good agreement with the ultrasonic test (UT) one. In both microstructure observations and mechanical tests, an excellent bonding quality of the CuCrZr/316L bimetallic plate was confirmed, where a uniform wavy morphology without defects such as voids and cracks was found at the bonding interface. The bonding strength was higher than the CuCrZr alloy. Moreover, a self-designed hydraulically pressed mold method was developed to manufacture a U-shaped CuCrZr/316L component, and the resulting sample matches well with the designed dimensions. Finally, the helium-leak test results demonstrate that the sealing property of the CuCrZr/316L bimetallic plate meets the practical requirements, indicating that the welded specimens were sound.
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