Cogent Business & Management
Determinants of bank performance in Vietnamese commercial banks: an application of the camels model
Nguyen Kim Quoc Trung1 
[1] Faculty of Accounting - Auditing, The University of Finance – Marketing, Vietna;
关键词: CAMELS;    Tobins’ Q;    non-performing loans;    ownership;    commercial bank;    Vietnam;    G21;    L25;    H21;    H81;   
DOI  :  10.1080/23311975.2021.1979443
来源: Taylor & Francis
【 摘 要 】

This study primarily aims to identify the determinants of Vietnamese commercial banks’ performance from 2009 to 2020. Recent developments in the economy have brought banks’ performance and their operations into the limelight. The paper deals with the CAMELS model as a framework for evaluating and measuring banks’ performance. Additionally, using the quantitative regression method, the System Generalised Method of Moments (SGMM), and combining the previous studies, the author examined ten statistically significant factors, including all the pro-rata of the CAMELS model. Furthermore, the obtained results highlight the relationship between ownership type and banks’ performance, implying that state-owned banks must improve and increase their soundness.

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