Frontiers in Psychology
Book Review: Negotiating Identity in Modern Foreign Language Teaching
Shanshan Wang1 
[1] Department of Language and Culture, Tianhua College, Shanghai Normal University
关键词: teacher identity;    foreign language teaching;    language professionals;    teacher cognition;    teacher agency;    language teacher education;    perception of self;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2020.615120
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】

To truly understand language teaching and learning, we need to “understand teachers and toappreciate the professional, cultural, social, and individual identities which they claim or whichare assigned to them” (p. 204). The understanding of modern language (MFL) teachers’ lifeworldhas been central to that end. Negotiating Identity in Modern Foreign Language Teaching, edited byMatilde Gallardo, is a timely volume offering profound insights into understanding MFL teachers’voices and their sense of agency in shaping their professional lives in the UK and beyond. Consistingof an introductory chapter and two body parts in another eight chapters, it is a revealing collectionto illuminate many different possible ways in which we could give voice to, make sense of, andnurture MFL teachers’ telling their stories of becoming and being who they are as languageprofessionals among other identities.

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