Heritage Science
Metadata schema and ontology for capturing and processing of 3D cultural heritage objects
Anja Cramer1  Hubert Mara2  Timo Homburg2  Laura Raddatz2 
[1] Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz, Germany;i3mainz, Hochschule Mainz, Mainz, Germany;
关键词: Ontologies;    Semantic web;    Data quality;    Metadata;    3D scanning;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s40494-021-00561-w
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

Motivated by the increased use of 3D acquisition of objects by cultural heritage institutions, we were investigating ontologies and metadata schemes for the acquisition process to provide details about the 3D capturing, which can be combined with preexisting ontologies describing an object. Therefore we divided the 3D capturing workflow into common steps starting with the object being placed in front of a 3D scanner to preparation and publication of the 3D datasets and/or derived images. While the proposed ontology is well defined on a coarse level of detail for very different techniques, e.g. Stucture from Motion and LiDAR we elaborated the metadata scheme in very fine detail for 3D scanners available at our institutions. This includes practical experiments with measurement data from past and current projects including datasets published at Zenodo as guiding examples and the source code for their computation. Additionally, the free and Open Source GigaMesh Software Framework’s analysis and processing methods have been extended to provide metadata about the 3D processing steps like mesh cleaning as well as 2D image generation. Finally, we discuss the current limitations and give an outlook about future extensions.

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