Sustainable Earth
Teen activism leads to local laws banning single-use plastics: a two-year experiential learning journey
Burke, Eleanor1  Collins, Christopher Ciano1  Bergeron, Lucy1  Law, Kara Lavender2 
[1] Lincoln-Sudbury High School;Sea Education Association
关键词: Sustainability;    Youth activism;    Experiential learning;    Plastic reduction;    Environmental regulation;    Environmental ethics;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42055-020-00035-0
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

This paper recounts the two-year journey of an eight-member public Massachusetts high school environmental club that set out to decrease their local community’s consumption of single-use plastics. In the academic years 2016–2018, launched by a presentation by co-author Dr. Kara Lavender Law, the students wrestled with the global problem of plastic environmental debris within their local sphere of influence. They petitioned town government to regulate against local merchants’ dispensing thin-film plastic bags or selling single-use plastic water bottles < 1 L in size. The journey called upon them to participate in the democratic process, and through it to inform the citizenry, entertain opposing viewpoints, counter strident opposition with facts, enlist allies, and build broad consensus. After a two-year process, the project arrived at a successful result. They learned through experience that with tenacity, they could make democracy work for their ethical ideals.

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