Acta Geophysica
Analysis of various thermodynamic instability parameters and their association with the rainfall during thunderstorm events over Anakapalle (Visakhapatnam district), India
Umakanth, N.1  Satyanarayana, G. Ch.1  Simon, B.2  Rao, M. C.3  Kumar, M. Tanooj4  Babu, N. Ranga5 
[1]Department of Atmospheric Science, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
[2]Space Applications Centre (SAC)
[3]Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College
[4]Department of CSE, Dhanekula Institute of Engineering and Technology
[5]Department of English, Andhra Loyola College
关键词: Rainfall;    Deep convective index;    Humidity index;    Upper vertical velocity;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s11600-020-00478-1
来源: Polska Akademia Nauk * Instytut Geofizyki
【 摘 要 】
Thunderstorm events usually take place in cumulonimbus clouds which are complemented with intense rainfall and high-speed winds. In general, rainfall parameter has massive significance when compared to other parameters. In this paper, a group of thunderstorm-related stability parameters were analyzed for pre-monsoon season only. Later, we also tried to study the association between thunderstorm-related stability parameters and rainfall parameter in pre-monsoon season over Anakapalle (Visakhapatnam district) during 2001–2010. We have utilized ERA-Interim ECMWF reanalysis daily datasets for this study. We also tried to compare IMD thunderstorm occurrence days with NOAA CPC-calculated rainfall days in pre-monsoon season over Anakapalle region for every year during 2001–2010. Out of those parameters, upward vertical velocity, convective available potential energy, K-index (KI), humidity index and total totals index parameters have shown good thresholds supporting the rainfall activity during pre-monsoon season. Later, we have also attempted the prediction of DCI and KI parameters over Anakapalle region using artificial neural network (ANN) and auto-regressive moving average (ARMA) techniques. In comparison between the two techniques, ANN technique has shown good correlation with ERA-Interim ECMWF reanalysis data.
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