Journal of control, automation and electrical systems
Design of a Smart Pressure Transmitter and Its Temperature Compensation Using Artificial Neural Network
Sinha, Sunita1  Mandal, Nirupama1 
[1] Department of Electronics Engineering
关键词: Artificial neural network (ANN);    Pressure measurement;    Bellows;    Temperature compensation;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s40313-018-00430-1
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a smart pressure transmitter using bellow as primary sensor. The deflection of bellow is converted into electrical output using hall probe sensor as secondary sensor. The output Hall voltage is affected by change in input parameters like temperature. So firstly the effect of temperature on Hall voltage is derived mathematically and then experimentally analyzed. This effect of temperature on output Hall voltage is then compensated using artificial neural network. The compensated output Hall voltage is then converted into (4–20) mA current signal using signal conditioning circuit. The proposed design, experimental and testing results are reported in this paper.

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