Advances in Difference Equations
Finite-/fixed-time synchronization of delayed Clifford-valued recurrent neural networks
Boonsatit, N.1  Rajchakit, G.2  Sriraman, R.3  Lim, C. P.4  Agarwal, P.5 
[1] Department of Mathematics, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi;Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Maejo University;Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar University;Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation, Deakin University;Department of Mathematics, Anand International College of Engineering
关键词: Clifford-valued neural network;    Synchronization;    Finite-time;    Fixed-time;    Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13662-021-03438-1
来源: SpringerOpen
【 摘 要 】

This paper investigates the problem of finite-/fixed-time synchronization for Clifford-valued recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays. The considered Clifford-valued drive and response system models are firstly decomposed into real-valued drive and response system models in order to overcome the difficulty of the noncommutativity of the multiplication of Clifford numbers. Then, suitable time-delayed feedback controllers are devised to investigate the synchronization problem in finite-/fixed-time of error system. On the basis of new Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional and new computational techniques, finite-/fixed-time synchronization criteria are formulated for the corresponding real-valued drive and response system models. Two numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.

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