Nanotechnology Reviews
Effect of PVA fiber on durability of cementitious composite containing nano-SiO 2
Peng Zhang1  Qing-fu Li1  Juan Wang1  Yan Shi2  Yi-feng Ling3 
[1] School of Water Conservancy and Environment, Zhengzhou University;Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute of Changjiang Water Resources Commission;Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, United States of America
关键词: PVA fiber;    Nano-SiO2;    Cementitious composite;    Durability;    Microstructure;   
DOI  :  10.1515/ntrev-2019-0011
来源: De Gruyter
【 摘 要 】

In the current investigation, the influence of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers on flowability and durability of cementitious composite containing fly ash and nano-SiO 2 was evaluated. PVA fibers were added into the composite at a volume fraction of 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, and 1.2%. The flowability of the fresh cementitious composite was assessed using slump flow. The durability of cementitious composite includes carbonation resistance, permeability resistance, cracking resistance as well as freezing-thawing resistance, which were evaluated by the depth of carbonation, the water permeability height, cracking resistance ratio of the specimens, and relative dynamic elastic modulus of samples after freeze-thaw cycles, respectively. The results indicated that addition of PVA fibers had a little disadvantageous influence on flowability of cementitious composite, and the flowability of the fresh mixtures decreased with increases in PVA fiber content. Incorporation of PVA fibers significantly improved the durability of cementitious composites regardless of addition of nano-particles. When the fiber content was less than 1.2%, the durability indices of permeability resistance and cracking resistance increased with fiber content. However, the durability indices of carbonation resistance and freezing-thawing resistance began to decrease as the fiber dosage increased from 0.9% to 1.2%. The fiber reinforced cementitious composite exhibited better durability due to addition of nano-SiO 2 particles. Nano-SiO 2 particle improves microscopic structure of fiber reinforced cementitious composites, and the nano-particles are beneficial for PVA fibers to play the role of reinforcement in cementitious composites.

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