Frontiers in Energy Research
Metal Atom-Decorated Carbon Nanomaterials for Enhancing Li-S/Se Batteries Performances: A Mini Review
Lan Deng1  Xiaolei Ren1  Xingxing Gu2 
[1] Chongqing, China;null;
关键词: metal atoms;    decorated;    carbon nanomaterials;    Li-S batteries;    Li-Se batteries;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fenrg.2021.626596
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】

Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) and lithium-selenium (Li-Se) batteries are both facing the cathode issues of low Coulombic efficiency and unstable cycling stability due to the severe shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides or lithium polyselenides. Simultaneously inhibiting polysulfides/polyselenides dissolution in organic electrolytes and propelling them to conversion via introducing polar, catalytic materials has been proven as an effective strategy to enhance the durability of Li-S and Li-Se batteries. In this mini review, we systematically introduce various metal atom-decorated carbon nanomaterials to determine how to enhance the electrochemical performances of Li-S and Li-Se batteries by inhibiting the polysulfides/polyselenides shuttle phenomenon as well as catalyzing them toward quick redox conversions. We also briefly include the drawbacks and bottlenecks of this kind of material when used in Li-S and Li-Se batteries

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