Micro & nano letters
Synthesis and electrical properties of p-type CdTe nanowires
Shanying Li1  Xiaoyan Li1  Haipeng Zhao1 
[1] School of Chemical and Material Engineering, Henan University of Urban Construction
关键词: cadmium compounds;    carrier density;    carrier mobility;    field effect transistors;    II-VI semiconductors;    nanofabrication;    nanowires;    semiconductor quantum wires;    vapour deposition;    electrical properties;    p-type nanowires;    thermal evaporation process;    structure characterisation;    zinc blende structure;    crystal growth direction;    nano-field-effect transistors;    p-type conductivity;    carrier mobility;    carrier concentration;    single-crystalline quality;    1D nanowires;    nanoelectronic devices;    CdTe;    cadmium compounds;    carrier density;    carrier mobility;    field effect transistors;    II-VI semiconductors;    nanofabrication;    nanowires;    semiconductor quantum wires;    vapour deposition;    electrical properties;    p-type nanowires;    thermal evaporation process;    structure characterisation;    zinc blende structure;    crystal growth direction;    nano-field-effect transistors;    p-type conductivity;    carrier mobility;    carrier concentration;    single-crystalline quality;    1D nanowires;    nanoelectronic devices;    CdTe;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2013.0144
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

Neurofibromatosis type 1 is a rare neurocutaneous condition that can have widespread and deleterious effects on various organ systems, including the spine with implications for the choice of anesthetic technique. We report the case of a parturient, who was received in the emergency room of the maternity ward of our hospital during the active phase of labor, without neuraxial imaging, in whom a cesarean section was indicated and performed under general anesthesia. Anesthesia for the parturient with neurofibromatosis is still not well documented, its management needs to be multidisciplinary, with a careful pre-conception planning.

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