Micro & nano letters
Micro-spectrometer based on 64-pixel high-sensitivity quantum dot detector array
S.H. Zhang1  M.J. Wang1  X.B. Jin1  W. Wang1  H.D. Lu1  Wenguo Ning1  F.M. Guo1  J.H. Shen1 
[1] Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing, Key Laboratory of Polar Materials and Devices, School of Information Science Technology, East China Normal University
关键词: semiconductor quantum dots;    sensor arrays;    photodetectors;    quantum well devices;    semiconductor quantum wells;    gallium arsenide;    aluminium compounds;    III-V semiconductors;    infrared spectrometers;    visible spectrometers;    fluorescence;    biomedical optical imaging;    optical microscopy;    microspectrometer;    64-pixel high-sensitivity quantum dot detector array;    photoexcited carrier multiplication photodetector;    n-i-n photodetectors;    quantum well;    photoelectric detector;    current responsivity;    light power;    integration time;    voltage responsivity;    quantum dot fluorescent sample testing;    hyperspectral microscopy imaging system;    optical path switcher;    biological section;    environmental detection;    medical diagnosis;    biological science;    temperature 293 K to 298 K;    temperature 300 K;    power 0.01 pW;    wavelength 633 nm;    voltage -0.5 V;    time 80 mus;    GaAs-AlAs;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2015.0192
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

Persistent postoperative ileus causes significant discomfort to a surgical patient. Not only it increases hospital stay or leads to rehospitalization, it involves significant cost of treatment and morbidity in some unfortunate patients. No single intervention, drug or perioperative protocol has been found to be successful. The strategy has to be multimodal. Early enteral feeds, active ambulation, physiotherapy, use of minimally invasive surgical techniques so as to reduce bowel handling, judicious use of narcotics, good perioperative pain relief using a multimodal approach are the strategies that when applied together has better outcomes. Peripherally acting opioid antagonists have been successfully used but are very costly. Perioperative intravenous lidocaine infusion along with other strategies appears promising.

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