Micro & nano letters
Nanostructured ZnO thin film with improved optical and electrochemical properties prepared by hydrothermal electrochemical deposition technique
Indranil Biswas1  Mousumi Majumder1  Piyali Roy (Kundu)1  Debadrita Mukherjee1  Ashim Kumar Chakraborty1 
[1] Material Characterization and Instrumentation Division, CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute
关键词: nanostructured materials;    zinc compounds;    II-VI semiconductors;    wide band gap semiconductors;    semiconductor growth;    nanofabrication;    electrodeposition;    photoelectrochemistry;    carrier density;    photoconductivity;    current density;    semiconductor thin films;    ultraviolet spectra;    visible spectra;    nanostructured zinc oxide thin films;    optical properties;    electrochemical properties;    hydrothermal electrochemical deposition technique;    fluorine-doped tin oxide coated glass substrate;    acidic aqueous zinc acetate solution;    n-type behaviour;    carrier concentration;    steady state photocurrent density;    UV irradiation;    visible light illumination;    zero bias potential;    photoelectrochemical properties;    HTED technique;    temperature 80 degC;    ZnO;    SnO2F-SiO2;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2015.0528
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

Psoriatic arthopathy (PA) can present with significant challenges to the perioperative physician dueto consequences of difficult airway, distorted anatomy for regional anesthesia, respiratory and skincomplications and the side effects with the medications used to control the disease activity. Awakefiberoptic intubation is the safest option in these patients with a potentially difficult airway if regionalanesthesia is failed. Nerve block could be an attractive option for pain relief in lower limb surgery. Herewe describe a case of psoriatic arthropathy with difficult airway, successfully managed after failed regionalanesthesia. We describe the anesthetic challenges and management in a patient with psoriasis.

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