Micro & nano letters
Oxidative degradation and morphological properties of gamma-irradiated isotactic polypropylene films
Sarah Mouaci1  Mohamed Saidi1  Nadia Saidi-Amroun1 
[1] Material Physics Laboratory, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumedienne
关键词: oxidation;    surface morphology;    gamma-ray effects;    polymer films;    thin films;    Fourier transform infrared spectra;    atomic force microscopy;    surface diffusion;    surface roughness;    nanostructured materials;    oxidative degradation;    morphological properties;    gamma-irradiated isotactic polypropylene films;    molecular modifications;    surface properties;    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy;    FTIR;    atomic force microscopy;    AFM;    carbonyl index;    diffusion;    surface topography;    nanostructured iPP surface;    surface roughness;    size 25 mum;    radiation absorbed dose 30 kGy to 100 kGy;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2016.0812
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

Aim: We aimed to present an audit on delivery rates and obstetric anesthesia techniques at Gazi University Hospital in Turkey over a period of seven years to compare it with national or international standards. Materials and methods: Annual rate of different modes of deliveries (vaginal or caesarean section) and obstetric anesthesia techniques were retrospectively audited over seven years. Results: Our audit shows a progressive rise in the rate of caesarean section (CS) from 33.72% in 2002, to 57.41% in 2008 over vaginal deliveries. There is also an increased use of regional anesthesia for CS. While the practice of epidural anesthesia for CS has decreased, utilization of CSE and spinal anesthesia has increased over 7 years. Conclusion: We conclude that over the last 7 years, the rate of CS, spinal anesthesia for elective CS and neuraxial analgesia for labour in our unit has progressively increased.

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