Micro & nano letters
Hot embossing of anodic aluminium oxide on high-density polyethylene: a deeper understanding based on hard surface coating
Suchada Boonniyom1  Tanakorn Osotchan1  Kittitat Subannajui1 
[1] Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
关键词: embossing;    alumina;    polymer films;    polymer fibres;    nanofibres;    Vickers hardness;    wear resistance;    laminates;    wear resistant coatings;    hot embossing;    anodic aluminium oxide;    high-density polyethylene;    hard surface coating;    laminated hard coating film;    polymeric nanofibers;    Vickers hardness;    wear resistance;    polymer knife;    sharpness;    Al2O3;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2017.0543
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

A thick anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) was used as a laminated hard coating film on high-density polyethylene (HDPE) without a binder. This thick alumina surface has a large number of polymeric nanofibers rooting inside which makes it a composite between polymer fibre and alumina. The AAO-coated film was crystalline gamma-Al2O3 and its Vickers hardness was higher than super alloy and martensitic stainless steel which has a durable and wear resistance surface despite the substrate is still a lightweight polymer. The film surface was firmly adhered to the polymer substrate. Therefore, it can be applied in many applications which require an extreme hard coating such as a transparent hard film or a special made polymer knife in which the sharpness is hardly worn out.

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