Micro & nano letters
Realisation of CdS/Mn 3 O 4 nanocomposites for potential photocatalytic applications
Lei Xue1  James Caleb Peters Rathnakumar Peters2  Sathish Chander Dhanabalan2  Jayasakthi Madhaiyan2  Rajesh Kumar Manavalan3  Joice Sophia Ponraj2 
[1]Institute of Physics and Technology, Ural Federal University
[2]Centre for Advanced Materials, Integrated-Inter-Department of LiWET Communications, Aaivalayam – Dynamic Integrated Research Academy and Corporations (A-DIRAC)
[3]Institute of Natural Science and Mathematics, Ural Federal University
关键词: visible spectra;    density functional theory;    energy gap;    II-VI semiconductors;    semiconductor growth;    wide band gap semiconductors;    ultraviolet spectra;    photoluminescence;    X-ray diffraction;    cadmium compounds;    nanocomposites;    manganese compounds;    nanofabrication;    photocatalysts;    field emission scanning electron microscopy;    crystal growth from solution;    photocatalytic applications;    chemical method;    air atmosphere;    field emission scanning electron microscopy images;    nanocomposites;    DFT calculations;    bandgap calculation;    orthorhombic mixed structure;    cubic mixed structure;    X-ray diffraction;    photoluminescence;    visible light absorption;    CdS-Mn3O4;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2019.0783
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】
The present work reports the realisation of high-quality crystalline CdS/Mn 3 O 4 (CM) nanocomposites by a simple cost-effective chemical method in air atmosphere. The authors have performed theoretical calculations and experimental analysis in order to understand the synthesised nanocomposites. X-ray diffraction results showed that the CM nanocomposites were cubic and orthorhombic mixed structure which is in good agreement with the theoretical studies. Field emission scanning electron microscopy images of CM confirmed the formation of well distributed nanocomposites. The outcomes of DFT calculations provide results for the bandgap calculation of pure CdS, Mn 3 O 4 and the CM nanocomposites. Photoluminescence studies with interesting visible light absorption demonstrated the great potentiality of the as-synthesised nanocomposites towards photocatalytic applications that could be a detailed research scope for the authors’ future studies.
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