Brazilian Computer Society. Journal
Perspectives on how to evaluate augmented reality technology tools for education: a systematic review
Manoela M. O. da Silva1  João Marcelo X. N. Teixeira1  Patrícia S. Cavalcante1  Veronica Teichrieb1 
[1] Voxar Labs, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
关键词: Augmented reality;    Evaluation;    Educational systems;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13173-019-0084-8
来源: Springer U K
【 摘 要 】

Education has benefited from augmented reality’s (AR) potential to promote interactive experiences both inside and outside the classroom. A systematic review was conducted on how AR’s impact in the learning process has been evaluated. We selected papers from 2009 to 2017 in three databases, IEEE, ACM, and Science Direct, using an open-source crawler, and in one Brazilian Conference, SBIE. We followed the PRISMA protocol. Forty-five works were selected and used to extract data for our research. They were also analyzed according to quantitative and qualitative criteria. The results from all the papers are available in an online database. Results evidenced an increase in the number of papers evaluating the AR’s impact in education. They also showed that AR has been applied in different areas and contexts. Most papers reported positive outcomes as a result of AR insertion. However, most studies lacked the involvement of the teacher and the use of multiple metrics to evaluate educational gains.

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