Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications
Mirror Symmetry for Nonabelian Landau-Ginzburg Models
Nathan Priddis1  Joseph Ward2  Matthew M. Williams3 
[1] Brigham Young University;University of Utah;Colorado State University
关键词: mirror symmetry;    Landau–Ginzburg models;    Calabi–Yau;    nonabelian;   
DOI  :  10.3842/SIGMA.2020.059
来源: National Academy of Science of Ukraine
【 摘 要 】

We consider Landau-Ginzburg models stemming from groups comprised of non-diagonal symmetries, and we describe a rule for the mirror LG model. In particular, we present the non-abelian dual group $G^\star$, which serves as the appropriate choice of group for the mirror LG model. We also describe an explicit mirror map between the A-model and the B-model state spaces for two examples. Further, we prove that this mirror map is an isomorphism between the untwisted broad sectors and the narrow diagonal sectors for Fermat type polynomials.

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