International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy
Open Educational Resources (OER) for Control Systems Engineering: Development Case with LabVIEW, Simulink, and Camtasia
Mahmoud Abdulwahed1 
[1] Qatar University
关键词: Open Educational Resources (OER);    Control Engineering;    Interactive Tutorials;    Virtual Labs;    Computer Simulations;   
DOI  :  10.3991/ijep.v2i4.2272
来源: International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), Kassel University Press
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this paper is to report on the development of control systems open educational resources. The paper reports on two control systems education software: 1- A LabVIEW based Control Systems Analysis Toolkit (CSAT) which was developed to assist lecturers in teaching control engineering and students to understand theoretical concepts, and 2- A Process Control Virtual Laboratory (PCVL), developed using LabVIEW. Both software have been created as a stand-alone educational application together with a detailed manual and learning activities. Existing Simulink exercises have been enhanced and specific video tutorials for the Simulink exercises have been developed. Evaluations have been conducted indicating positive impact on students .

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