Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Literature review on business prototypes for digital platform
A. R. Tripathi1  Shrutika Mishra1 
[1] Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, 221005, Varanasi, India;
关键词: Business models;    e-commerce;    Digital marketplace;    Start-ups;    Digital platform;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13731-020-00126-4
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

In today’s world, many digitally enabled start-ups are budding all over the globe because of the fast enhancement in digital technologies. For the establishment of new business, it is necessary to adopt a proper business model which needs to define the way in which the company will provide values and the ways in which the customers can pay for their services. This paper aims to study the various business models being used in today’s marketplace and to provide a better understanding for these business models by having an insight on the attributes.

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