Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
Tityus stigmurus (Thorell, 1876) (Scorpiones; Buthidae): response to chemical control and understanding of scorpionism among the population
Cleide Maria Ribeiro De Albuquerque1  Marcilania Oliveira Barbosa1  Luciana Iannuzzi1 
[1] ,Federal University of Pernambuco Center of Biological Science Department of ZoologyRecife PE ,Brazil
关键词: Community;    Scorpion;    Pyrethroid;    Public health;    Comunidade;    Escorpião;    Piretróide;    Saúde pública;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0037-86822009000300004
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

In this study, the events following application of the insecticideDemand 2.5 concentrated solution (CS) in the field, to control Tityus stigmurus, were investigated. Data on attitudes and practices relating to scorpionism were collected using a questionnaire. During the months of May to July 2005, 69 premises were monitored on different days following insecticide treatment, focusing on scorpion frequency and mortality. According to the results, 42% of the premises showed scorpion incidence, with an average of three specimens per house. The highest incidence was recorded during the first week following the treatment. Only 7% of the specimens were found dead. Most (72%) of the population showed knowledge about prevention and control measures. Despite this, 100% of the premises presented breeding sites, mainly in debris (79.7%). These results indicate that the scorpion control method used by health agents during this investigation was not efficient, and the results suggest that the method may have had a dispersive effect on these animals.

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