Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
Furious Frederich: Nietzsche’s neurosyphilis diagnosis and new hypotheses
Charles André1  André Rangel Rios1 
关键词: 19th Century;    history of medicine;    neurosyphilis;    diagnosis;    século XIX;    história da medicina;    neurossífilis;    diagnóstico;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0004-282X20150164
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

The causes of Friedrich Nietzsche’s mental breakdown in early 1889 and of the subsequent slow decay to end-stage dementia along ten years will possibly remain open to debate. The diagnosis of syphilitic dementia paralytica, based only on medical anamnesis and physical examination, was considered indisputable by Otto Binswanger. On the other hand, taking into account recently described diseases, selectively collected evidence lend some support to alternative hypotheses: basal forebrain meningioma, CADASIL, MELAS and frontotemporal dementia.

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