Brazilian Journal of Biology
Preliminar results of paleontological salvage at Belo Monte Powerplant construction
Hz. Tomassi1  Cm. Almeida1  Bc. Ferreira1  Mb. Brito1  M. Barberi1  Gc. Rodrigues1  Sp. Teixeira1  Jp. Capuzzo1  Jm. Gama-júnior1  Mgkg. Santos1 
关键词: mitigation paleontology;    Silurian;    Devonian;    cretaceous;    South America;    Southern Hemisphere;    resgate paleontológico;    Siluriano;    Devoniano;    cretáceo;    América do Sul;    Hemisfério Sul;   
DOI  :  10.1590/1519-6984.1714BM
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In this paper some preliminary fossil specimens are presented. They represent a collection sampled by Belo Monte’s Programa de Salvamento do Patrimônio Paleontológico (PSPP), which includes unprecedented invertebrate fauna and fossil vertebrates from Pitinga, Jatapu, Manacapuru, Maecuru e Alter do Chão formations from Amazonas basin, Brazil. The Belo Monte paleontological salvage was able to recover 495 microfossil samples and 1744 macrofossil samples on 30 months of sampling activities, and it is still ongoing. The macrofossils identified are possible plant remains, ichnofossils, graptolites, brachiopods, molluscs, athropods, Agnatha, palynomorphs (miosphores, acritarchs, algae cysts, fungi spores and unidentified types) and unidentified fossils. However, deep scientific research is not part of the scope of the program, and this collection must be further studied by researchers who visit Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, where the fossils will be housed. More material will be collected until the end of the program. The collection sampled allows a mosaic composition with the necessary elements to assign, in later papers, taxonomic features which may lead to accurate species identification and palaeoenvironmental interpretations.

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