Brazilian Journal of Biology
Seasonal diet shift in a Tetragonopterinae (Oateichthyes, Characidae) from the Ubatiba river, RJ, Brazil
R. Mazzoni1  C. F. Rezende1 
[1],Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcântara Gomes Setor de EcologiaRio de Janeiro RJ ,Brazil
关键词: Osteichthyes;    Tetragonopterinae;    Brazil;    Atlantic Rain Forest;    coastal stream;    feeding habits;    Osteichthyes;    Tetragonopterinae;    Brasil;    Mata Atlântica;    riacho costeiro;    hábito alimentar;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1519-69842003000100009
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
In the present study, we describe feeding habits of Deuterodon sp. from the Ubatiba River and explore if diet changes according to a temporal cycle of dry and wet seasons. We observed that Deuterodon sp. fed on an extremely high diversity of items ranging from organic matter, sediment (sand plus quartz parts), algae, seeds and leaves to animal organisms, such as, crustaceans, oligochaets and several life stages of terrestrial and aquatic insects, indicating an omnivorous diet. An important shift in the use of feeding resources was also registered; animal and vegetal items had alternated importance between both seasons. Allochthonous vs. autochthonous items analysis showed predominance of allochthonous items during dry season while no significant differences were registered during wet season.
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