Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil
Efeito do tempo e da temperatura de estocagem nas determinações de acidez, cálcio, proteínas e lipídeos de leite de doadoras de bancos de leite humano
Maria Stella S. Rona2  Franz Reis Novak1  Márcia Portilho1  Francieli Maria Pelissari1  Ana Beatriz Tozzo Martins1  Graciette Matioli1 
[1],Universidade Estadual de Maringá Hospital Universitário Maringá PR ,Brasil
关键词: Breastfeeding;    Quality control;    Human milk;    Nutritional value;    Aleitamento materno;    Controle de qualidade;    Leite humano;    Valor nutritivo;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1519-38292008000300004
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
OBJECTIVES: to verify the effect of three storage conditions on human milk acidity and to determine the quantity of lipids, total solids, ash, calcium, and total proteins. METHODS: the sample comprised healthy milk donors to the Human Milk Bank of the University Hospital of Maringá (n=37), State of Paraná, Brazil. The quantities of lipids, protein, total solids, ash and calcium were measured, as well as acidity. The study protocol included three storage conditions: time zero, after 4h storage at room temperature and after 24h under refrigeration. RESULTS: the average concentrations of nutrients found in this study were comparable to those described in milk from lactating mothers of developed countries or other Brazilian regions, which is suitable for feeding newborns. As for acidity, variations were observed between individuals for the storage conditions involving 4h and 24h, which did not occur for the condition of 0h. A weak correlation between the variables of acidity and protein content was observed, as well as for acidity and calcium. CONCLUSIONS: the acidity does not have a significant influence on the concentration of the nutrients, at least under the storage conditions studied here. The best way to preserve human milk is to freeze it immediately after collection.
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