Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Dissolved Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics in the Lower Portion of the Paraiba do Sul River, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil
Mônica Aparecida Leite Silva1  Claudia Ferreira Calasans1  Alvaro Ramon Coelho Ovalle1  Carlos Eduardo Rezende1 
[1],Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Centro de Biociências e Biotecnologia Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais RJ ,Brasil
关键词: Dissolved nutrients;    Paraíba do Sul River;    Temporal dynamics;    Nitrogen;    Phosphorus;    Discharge;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1516-89132001000400006
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
The Paraíba do Sul river lower reach was monitored monthly between August 1995 and July 1996. This study was aimed at evaluating the temporal dynamics of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus and its main controlling factors. Minimum and maximum observed values were as follows: N-NO2- - 0.08/0.51; N-NO3- - 21/57; N-NH4+ - 1.4/6.7; DON - 4.9/86.0; DIN -24.5/60.9; P-PO4(3-) - 0.43/1.66; DOP - 0.05/0.92; pH - 6.2/7.8; Dissolved Oxygen - 6.4/10.1; Conductivity - 48/74; Temperature - 20.5/31.1 (Nutrients - µM; Dissolved Oxygen - mg/l; Conductivity - µS/cm; Temperature - °C). Discharge presented a characteristic seasonal variation, showing a peak in January. Increasing P-PO4(3-), DOP, N-NH4+ and N-NO2- concentrations with increasing discharges could be associated to the partial flooding of inumerous fluvial islands and floodplains and to the agricultural practices of sugar cane crops that during the wet season could transfer nitrogen and phosphorus compounds to the fluvial channel.
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