Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Digestible lysine levels in diets for laying Japanese quails
Cleverson Luís Nascimento Ribeiro2  Sergio Luiz De Toledo Barreto2  Renata De Souza Reis2  Jorge Cunha Lima Muniz2  Juarez Lopes Donzele2  Paulo Cezar Gomes2  José Geraldo De Vargas Júnior1  Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino2 
[1],UFV Department of Animal Science Viçosa MG ,Brazil
关键词: Coturnix coturnix japonica;    digestible amino acids;    egg production;    performance variables;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1516-35982013000700005
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
The objective of this study was to estimate the digestible lysine requirement of Japanese quails in the egg-laying phase. A total of 336 female Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) of average initial age of 207 days were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, composed of 6 treatments (lysine levels) with 7 replicates and 8 birds per experimental unit, with duration of 84 days. Experimental diets were formulated from a basal diet, with corn and soybean meal, with 2.800 kcal ME/kg and 203.70 g/kg crude protein, showing levels of 9.50; 10.00; 10.50; 11.00; 11.50; and 12.00 g/kg digestible lysine; diets remained isoprotein and isocaloric. The following variables were studied: feed intake (FI); lysine intake (LI); egg production per bird per day (EPBD); egg production per bird housed (EPBH); production of marketable eggs (PME); egg weight (EW); egg mass (EM); utilization efficiency of lysine for egg mass production (UELEM); feed conversion per mass (FCEM); feed conversion per dozen eggs (FCDZ); bird availability (BA); percentages of yolk (Y), albumen (A) and shell (S); specific egg weight (SW); nitrogen ingested (NI); nitrogen excreted (NE); and nitrogen balance (NB). Significant effect was only observed for LI, EW, EM, UELEM, FCEM, Y, A and SW. The digestible lysine level estimated in diets for laying Japanese quails is 11.20 g digestible lysine/kg diet, corresponding to an average daily intake of 272.23 mg lysine.
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