Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Simulation assessment of continuous simulating moving bed chromatography process with partial feed and new strategy with partial feed
H. Khan1 
[1] ,Hanyang University, Seoul Department of Chemical Engineering Seoul,Korea
关键词: Simulating Moving Bed;    Separation;    Simulation;    Column Profile;    Partial Feed;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0104-66322009000300015
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Partial Feed simulating moving bed (SMB) has proved to be more efficient in binary separation performance (purity, recovery, productivity) because of its two additional degrees of freedom, namely feed length and feed time, as compared to classical SMB process. The binary separation of dextran T6 and fructose with linear isotherm is modeled with Aspen Chromatography simulator in a four zone SMB with one column per zone for both normal-feed and Partial Feed. Increase in number of feed length and feed time in the cycle plays a very important role in the separation performance with Partial Feed. In addition, the effect of mode of operation (early or late introduction of increase in number of feed length in the cycle) on product purity and recovery is also investigated. Furthermore, the binary separation system is designed with the safety margin method and the optimum operating parameters for simulation are calculated with triangle theory. Finally, a new strategy with Partial Feed is developed, showing improved separation performance relative to the basic four-zone SMB with regard to extract stream purity and recovery. The results of the proposed study can served as a useful summary of Partial Feed operation.

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