Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira
Abortion: a review of women's perception in relation to their partner's reactions in two Brazilians cities
Daniele Nonnenmacher1  Gláucia Rosana Guerra Benute1  Roseli Mieko Yamamoto Nomura1  George Dantas De Azevedo1  Elza Maria Do Socorro Dutra1  Melina Séfora Souza Rebouças1  Mara Cristina Souza De Luci1  Rossana Pulcineli Vieira Francisco1 
关键词: abortion;    spontaneous abortion;    induced abortion;    perception;    men;    women's health;    aborto;    aborto espontâneo;    aborto induzido;    percepção;    homens;    saúde da mulher;   
DOI  :  10.1590/1806-9282.60.03.011
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
Objective:to analyze women's perception in relation to their partner's reaction and behavior during the abortion process in two Brazilian capitals, associating the variables from women who suffered a spontaneous abortion with those from women who induced it.Methods:semi-structured, questionnaire-based interviews were conducted with 285 women who underwent spontaneous abortion and 31 who reported having induced it. The data were analyzed using the thematic analysis technique, and, subsequently, by the IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Edition software program. The significance level was set at p < 0.05.Results:in both capitals, the women who induced an abortion referred to the partner as the person who could not find out about the abortion (p<0.01 in Natal; p = 0.02 in São Paulo-SP) and, simultaneously, as the one who could have avoided it (p < 0.01 in Natal; p = 0.03 in São Paulo). In Natal-RN, induced abortion was associated with the partner's absence at the time pregnancy was confirmed (p = 0.02) and, in Sao Paulo-SP, with their negative reaction to news of the pregnancy (p = 0.04) and lack of participation in the abortion process (p < 0.01).Conclusion:despite having achieved independence, women still regard male participation in the abortion process as an important factor. The specifics of each capital denote the influence of the geographic and cultural dimension, indicating the need to take into account the particulars of each region in Brazil while considering a holistic approach to women's health.
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