Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
Prevalent nursing diagnoses and interventions in the hospitalized elder care
Miriam De Abreu Almeida2  Graziella Badin Aliti1  Elenara Franzen1  Elisabeth Gomes Da Rocha Thomé1  Margarita Rubin Unicovsky1  Eneida Rejane Rabelo1  Maria Luiza Machado Ludwig2  Maria Antonieta Moraes1 
[1],Rio Grande do Sul Federal University School of Nursing ,Brazil
关键词: nursing;    care;    nursing process;    nursing diagnosis;    hospitalization;    elder;    cuidados de enfermería;    procesos de enfermería;    diagnóstico de enfermería;    hospitalización;    anciano;    cuidados de enfermagem;    processos de enfermagem;    diagnóstico de enfermagem;    hospitalização;    idoso;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0104-11692008000400009
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
OBJECTIVES: to identify the prevalent nursing diagnoses (ND) in the hospitalized elder care; to compare the prevalent ND with the duration of hospital stay and with the prescribed cares for their respective diagnoses. METHOD: Transversal historical study carried through in Porto Alegre, RS, by analyzing patient records age e•60 years old, interned in clinical unities of a university hospital. RESULTS: 1665 records were analyzed; the four prevalent NANDA nursing diagnoses - within 62 identified ones - were: Self-Care Deficit - Bathing/Hygiene, Imbalanced Nutrition - Less than Body Requirements, Risk for Infection and Ineffective Breathing Patterns, varying from 14 to 17 days of hospital stay. THE MAIN CARES WERE: aiding bed bath, communicating diet acceptance, implementing routines of care in venous puncture and checking respiratory pattern. CONCLUSION: four prevalent ND were identified with the appropriate prescribed care. However, other care could have been established as a priority.
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