Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
Reflections on the ethnographic approach in three research studies
Neiva Francenely Cunha Vieira2  Luiza Jane Eyre De Souza Vieira1  Mirna Albuquerque Frota1 
[1] ,Universidade Federal do Ceará
关键词: cultural anthropology;    research;    nursing;    culture;    antropologia cultural;    pesquisa;    enfermagem;    cultura;    antropología cultural;    investigación;    enfermería;    cultura;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0104-11692003000500014
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

This paper aims at analyzing three research studies that focused on the effects of the perception in adults´ attitudes with the purpose to improve the health care provided to children. Although each study had a distinct area of investigation, all of them adopted the ethnographic approach on the interaction between the adults and children. This work aimed at reporting the researchers' reflections with respect to: i) the adoption of the ethnographic approach in Nursing studies; ii) the theoretical perspectives that are relevant in the production of themes. Authors considered the value of this reflection after the research and its potential in order to understand how it can contribute to consolidate the health care theoretical frameworks in general, and the nursing care models, in particular.

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