Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
Solvent extraction studies on uranium using amine based extractants and recovery from low grade ore leach liquors
Chul-joo Kim1  Jyothi Rajesh Kumar1  Joon-soo Kim1  Jin-young Lee1  Ho-sung Yoon1 
[1] ,Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources Mineral Resources Research Division Extractive Metallurgy DepartmentYuseong-gu Daejeon ,Republic of Korea
关键词: uranium;    extraction;    separation;    amine based extractants;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0103-50532012000700009
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

In this study, amine based extractants (Alamine 336, Alamine 308, Alamine 304 and Aliquat 336) diluted in kerosene were used as promising extractants for uranium extraction and separation from other associated elements. Alamine 336 was the best extractant for uranium extraction process from sulfate solutions when compared with other amine based extractants, Alamine 308, Alamine 304 and Aliquat 336. Synergistic extraction behavior was studied with amines as extractants as well as synergists and organophosphorus reagents used as synergist mixed with amines. Synergistic extraction studies with amines were not suitable with each other for better extraction efficiency. However, amines mixed with organophosphorus extractants gave positive synergetic behavior with the highest synergistic coefficient 0.567 calculated from results obtained. The developed methodology was applied to uranium low grade ore processing and 99.83% of uranium was recovered without the interferences of other metals.

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