Acta Paulista de Enfermagem
Cross-cultural adaptation of the primary health care satisfaction questionnaire
Elisabete Pimenta Araujo Paz1  Pedro Miguel Santos Dinis Parreira1  Alexandrina De Jesus Serra Lobo1  Rosilene Rocha Palasson1  Sheila Nascimento Pereira De Farias1 
关键词: Nursing research;    Primary care nursing;    Public health nursing;    Validation studies;    Consumer satisfaction;    Primary health care;    Pesquisa em enfermagem;    Enfermagem de atenção primária;    Enfermagem em saúde pública;    Estudos de validação;    Satisfação do usuário;    Atenção primária à saúde;   
DOI  :  10.1590/1982-0194201400070
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

ObjectiveTo develop the cross-cultural validation and assessment of the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire about the quality and satisfaction dimensions of patients with primary health care. MethodsMethodological cultural adaptation and assessment study of the psychometric properties, involving 398 users from a primary care service. The construct validity was verified through principal components factor analysis and internal consistency assessment as determined by Cronbach’s alpha, using SPSS. ResultsA factorial structure was identified that is equivalent to the original instrument, showing six factors that explain 70.81% of the total variance. All internal consistency coefficients were higher than 0.84, indicating appropriate psychometric properties. ConclusionThe results show that the Brazilian Portuguese version of the instrument is culturally and linguistically appropriate to assess the satisfaction of users attended in primary care services.

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