Acta Cirurgica Brasileira
Biocompatibility of the bacterial cellulose hydrogel in subcutaneous tissue of rabbits
Pedro Celso De Castro Pita1  Flávia Cristina Morone Pinto1  Mariana Montenegro De Melo Lira1  Francisco De Assis Dutra Melo1  Lydia Masako Ferreira1  José Lamartine De Andrade Aguiar1 
关键词: Cellulose;    Hydrogel;    Biopolymers;    Materials Testing;    Bulking Agents;    Subcutaneous Tissue;    Rabbits;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-865020150040000009
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
PURPOSE: To evaluate the biocompatibility and local sensibility reaction to bacterial cellulose hydrogel (0.8%) implanted in subcutaneous tissue of rabbits.METHODS:Fifteen New Zeland rabbits were randomly allocated into three groups: T1, 7 days, T2, 21 days, and T3, 84 days. The new material was implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the ear; on the scalp over the periosteum; and on the outer and inner surfaces of the thighs, in the aponeurosis of the muscle. At 7, 21 and 84 postoperative days, the material was collected for histological study. The clinical signs, inflammatory response, angiogenesis and fibrogenesis were variables used for analysis of the biocompatibility and biological reactivity to BCH. Analyses were performed with an AXIO(r) Imager. The statistical tests were performed using the GraphPad Prism 5.0 program(r)RESULTS:The intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, considering the different cell types (PMN, LMN and GC), was statistically significant, with group T1 different from groups T2 and T3 (p = 0.0124 and p <0.0001, respectively) and T2 different from the T3 group (p = 0.0007). Fibrogenesis grade 1 was the most prevalent in groups T1 (55.4%) and T2 (44.6%). The formation of neovascularization in the group was identified in 84.4% of samples.CONCLUSION:Bacterial cellulose hydrogel (0.8%) is biocompatible, integrating with the subcutaneous tissue of rabbits and inducing tissue remodeling.
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