Acta Cirurgica Brasileira
Abdominal wall healing in incisional hernia using different biomaterials in rabbits
Ana Letícia Gomes Aramayo2  Gaspar De Jesus Lopes Filho1  Cirênio De Almeida Barbosa1  Vânia Da Fonseca Amaral1  Luciano Assis Costa1 
[1],UNIFESP Paulista Medical School Postgraduate Program in Interdisciplinary Surgical SciencesSao Paulo SP ,Brazil
关键词: Wound Healing;    Abdominal Wall. Hernia;    Ventral;    Surgical Mesh;    Adhesions;    Biomaterials;    Materials Testing;    Animal Experimentation;    Rabbits;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-86502013000400011
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
PURPOSE: To investigate abdominal wound healing using specific biomaterials in incisional hernias. METHODS: Incisional hernias were produced in 40 rabbits, after that they were reoperated with or without the use of meshes: PREMILENE® (PPL), ULTRAPRO® (UP), PROCEED® (PCD) or repairing without mesh (TRANSPALB). After 30 days a macroscopic and microscopic study of the part withdrawn from the abdominal wall was performed. RESULTS: Macroscopic: adhesion Area: PPL> UP and PCD (p = 0.031). Vascularization: PPL> UP and PCD (p = 0.001). PPL groups (p = 0.032) and PCD (p <0.001) showed greater meshes shrinkages when compared to UP. Microscopic: neutrophils: PCD> PPL, UP and TRANSPALB (p = 0.010); eosinophils: PPL> UP, and TRANSPALB PCD (p = 0.010); granulation tissue: PPL and PCD> UP and TRANSPALB (p <0.001); macrophages : PPL, UP and PCD> TRANSPALB (p <0.001); lymphocytes: PPL and PCD> UP (p = 0.009) and TRANSPALB (p <0.001); giant cells: PPL, UP and PCD> TRANSPALB (p <0.001); viscera adhered: PPL and UP> PCD and TRANSPALB (p <0.001). CONCLUSION: All types of meshes caused the formation of adhesions. The UP and PCD groups showed lower area and vascularization of the adhesions. The PPL and PCD groups showed higher meshes shrinkage and there was a predominance of acute inflammatory process in the PCD group.
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