Acta Cirurgica Brasileira
Organic bench model to complement the teaching and learning on basic surgical skills
Rafael Denadai1  Luís Ricardo Martinhão Souto2 
[1],UNIMAR School of Medical Sciences Department of SurgeryMarilia SP ,Brazil
关键词: Surgery;    Education;    Teaching Materials;    Models;    Educational;    Learning;    Training;    Cirurgia;    Educação;    Materiais de Ensino;    Modelos Educacionais;    Aprendizagem;    Capacitação;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-86502012000100015
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
PURPOSE: To propose an organic bench model made with fruits/vegetables as an alternative to complement the arsenal of simulators used in the teaching and learning of basic surgical skills during medical graduation and education. METHODS: They were described the training strategies, through the use of fruits (or vegetables) to the learning of different techniques of incision, sutures, biopsies and basic principles of reconstruction. The preparation of bench model, the processes of skill acquisition, feedback and evaluation were also delineated. RESULTS: A proposal for teaching based on an organic model with training delivered in multiple sessions, with increasing levels of difficulty, and with feedback and evaluation during all the process was structured. CONCLUSION: The organic model, being simple, versatile, portable, reproducible, readily available, and having low cost, is another option to complement the existing simulators for teaching and learning of basic surgical skills.
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