Acta Cirurgica Brasileira
Experimental model of the formation of pelvic adhesions by videolaparoscopic in female rabbits
Rosi Pereira Balbinotto2  Manoel Roberto Maciel Trindade1  Ana Lucia Letti Muller1  André Gorgen Nunes1  Rodrigo Da Silva1  Fabíola Schons Meyer1  Carlos Thadeu Schmidt Cerski1 
[1],Clinics Hospital of Porto AlegrePorto Alegre RS ,Brazil
关键词: Adhesions;    Laparoscopy;    Surgery;    Rabbits;    Aderências;    Laparoscopia;    Cirurgia;    Coelhos;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-86502010000100009
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
PURPOSE: To verify the frequency of postsurgical pelvic adhesion formation in an experimental animal model using videolaparoscopy. METHODS: Experimental study in a sample of 11 non-pregnant female rabbits, aged 5 to 7 months. After general anesthesia, access to the abdominal cavity was performed by an open puncture technique, with 10mm optics, placing two other 5 mm trochars under direct visualization, in the iliac fossae. Then a fragment of peritoneum was resected, followed by electrocauterization. In 21 days, the videolaparoscopy was repeated, and adhesion formation and score was looked at, with biopsies at the surgical site. RESULTS: 54 % of adhesion formation was observed, and the median score of adhesions was 6 (minimum of 3 and maximum of 10), all of them found in the bladder and the anterior abdominal wall. CONCLUSION: The method used presents a high frequency of intra-abdominal adhesion formation.
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