Acta Cirurgica Brasileira
Effects of the polypropylene mesh implanted through inguinotomy in the spermatic funiculus, epididium and testis of dogs
Alberto Goldenberg2  Joaquim Ferreira De Paula1 
[1],UNIFESP EPM Department of Surgical Gastroenterology
关键词: Hernia;    Inguinal;    Surgical Mesh;    Polypropylenes;    Dogs;    Hérnia;    Inguinal;    Tela Cirúrgica;    Polipropileno;    Cães;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-86502005000600012
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of polypropylene mesh, implanted by inguinotomy, in the spermatic funiculus, epididium and testis of dogs. METHODS: Eighteen dogs were considered (12-23 Kg), separated in three groups. Group A (n=7): left side (with mesh) versus right side (without mesh); Group B (n=7): left side (without mesh) versus right side (with mesh) and Group C (n=4): without any surgical manipulation (control group). After being observed for 60 days, the animals were subjected to bilateral removal of the spermatic funiculus, epididium and testis that were submitted to histological analysis. During the re-operation, a macroscopic evaluation was performed. RESULTS: On the mesh side, we noted 100% of mesh adherence to the posterior wall of the inguinal canal, as well as the adherence of the spermatic funiculus to the mesh. A congestion of the pampiniform plexus was noted in three animals. Chronic inflammation reaction and foreign body reaction in the spermatic funiculus was observed in 100% of the animals. On the side that did not carry a mesh, chronic inflammatory reaction was observed in 71% of the animals. All the animals presented chronic inflammatory reaction in the deferent duct in the mesh side and in eleven animals in the side without the mesh. These alterations were not found in Group C. There was a considerable statistical reduction in the average difference of the diameter of the lumen of the deferent duct in the mesh side. In the epididium and testis, macro and microscopic alterations were not significant, although one animal presented a marked reduction of spermatogenesis on the mesh side. CONCLUSION: The polypropylene mesh, when in contact with the spermatic funiculus of dogs, causes a more intense chronic inflammatory reaction and a significant reduction in the diameter of the lumen of the deferent duct.
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