Acta Botanica Brasilica
Solanaceae composition, pollination and seed dispersal syndromes in Mexican mountain cloud forest
Lidiamar Barbosa Albuquerque2  Alejandro Velázquez1  Rafel Mayorga-saucedo1 
[1] ,Universidade Católica Dom BoscoCampo Grande MS ,Brazil
关键词: forest disturbance;    ornithochory;    chiropterochory;    melittophily;    Mexico;    perturbação florestal;    ornitocoria;    chiropterocoria;    melitofilia;    México;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-33062006000300010
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

In this work we hypothesised that Solanaceae species composition and pollination and seed dispersal syndromes change according to the degree of disturbance. Hence, the aim of this study is to analyze how the species composition of Solanaceae changes along disturbance gradients of mountain cloud forest, and to establish how Solanaceae pollination and seed dispersal syndromes vary along the same gradients. The study concentrates on the mountain cloud forests in Hidalgo, Mexico. Solanaceae species collection was carried out along transects, laid out alongside paths and secondary roads. Pollination and seed dispersal syndromes for all species were recorded based on floral and fruit morphological traits. From the 500 sample units surveyed, 392 contained 25 Solanaceae species. The (dis)similarity among sample units highlighted a major division: the first group harboured species more commonly found in less disturbed and more humid conditions, whereas the second group contained species more commonly found in contrasting conditions. Melittophily pollination syndromes turned out to be equally relevant in the environmental conditions of both groups. With regard to seed dispersal syndromes, ornithochory (45.8%) prevailed over chiropterochory (37.5%) in group I less disturbed and more humid areas, whereas chiropterochory (50%) prevailed within group II.

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