Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Mortality from Alzheimer's disease in Brazil, 2000-2009
Jane Blanco Teixeira1  Paulo Roberto Borges De Souza Junior1  Joelma Higa1  Mariza Miranda Theme Filha1 
关键词: Alzheimer Disease;    Dementia;    Aged;    Mortality;    Enfermedad de Alzheimer;    Demencia;    Anciano;    Mortalidad;    Doença de Alzheimer;    Demência;    Idoso;    Mortalidade;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0102-311X00144713
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent type of dementia in the elderly worldwide. To evaluate the mortality trend from Alzheimer's disease in Brazil, a descriptive study was conducted with the Mortality Information System of the Brazilian Ministry of Health (2000-2009). Age and sex-standardized mortality rates were calculated in Brazil's state capitals, showing the percentage variation by exponential regression adjustment. The state capitals as a whole showed an annual growth in mortality rates in the 60 to 79 year age bracket of 8.4% in women and 7.7% in men. In the 80 and older age group, the increase was 15.5% in women and 14% in men. Meanwhile, the all-cause mortality rate declined in both elderly men and women. The increase in mortality from Alzheimer's disease occurred in the context of chronic diseases as a proxy for increasing prevalence of the disease in the population. The authors suggest healthcare strategies for individuals with chronic non-communicable diseases
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